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Thursday, October 21, 2021

Winter is just on the horizon and the cold winds, poor visibility and shorter days are a reminder that we need to sharpen up our skills and make sure we're prepared for the challenges that winter presents. 

Having delivered countless courses over the years I have always been interested by the focus people put into navigation as the primary "get out of jail free card" and its importance for walkers and mountaineers. It's true that navigation ability (or a lack of) is the reason behind many mountain epics but poor planning or decision making is often where people fall down before they even start their day. If you failed to look at the forecast and its starts thundering, no amount of navigation ability will help you when the lightning starts hitting the ground, you just shouldn't be there in the first place. 

So with that in mind, I hope the list below helps you improve your planning and make better decisions when you're out this winter.


1) Plan for success

Sounds like a business book from Dragons Den but the key to a good day out is highlighting risks and mitigating them where possible. Check the weather forecast (MWIS, Met) and choose an objective that is safe for the forecast.  What are the winds speeds like? Can you go out in 40mph winds? Do you need an axe and crampons today? the answer to many of these questions is maybe, depends - Check, plan and stay flexible throughout the day. If you feel you don't know the answer to some of these questions then consider hiring an instructor or attending a course to fill in any gaps in your knowledge. If you're heading into Scotland in winter make sure you look at the avalanche forecasts ( and make sure you understand how to read them. 


2) Pack for the conditions

The question I often ask my clients is "Do you have enough equipment/clothing to allow you to stand still for upto 4 hours?"
Some MRT call outs can be 20 minutes (If your lucky) but many others require team members to walk in which could be 2-4 hours before you are rescued. Make sure you take suitable outdoor clothing, spare layers, hat and gloves so you can stay warm for long periods of time. Rescue shelters are certainly advised and from as little as £15 it's just not worth going out without one. Don't forget a torch and spare batteries, you only need to be held up for an hour in winter and you could be walking back in the dark.

If you're heading out in the snow consider taking axe and crampons but more importantly know how to use them. Winter skills courses can be inexpensive, fun and will help you to develop your skills in the outdoors, get in touch to find out what were offering this winter.


3) Skils for the hills

Navigation ability is one of the many links in this chain and being able to navigate up and down a hill/mountain in bad weather will certainly help you have safer days in the outdoors. If you don't know how to navigate or lack confidence - consider booking onto one of our Navigation Courses. 

Check out our Navigation Courses


4) Mobile phones

Make sure you have a fully charged mobile phone, put it in a waterproof case and try and use a spare camera or friends phone to take pictures(saves battery power). Consider downloading the Outdoor Active maps app which is a great companion when used alongside a map. Another great App is the OS locate app which gives a six-figure reference that you can give to Mountain Rescue if the sh#t hits the fan!


5) Keep your plans flexible

Commitment is a dangerous trap and a common reason for people needing to be rescued. "It's taken me 7 hours to get here, Im not sitting in the coffee shop and wasting my day off", sound familiar? Keep your plans flexible and if you don't like the conditions, feel the risks are getting high or you have that feeling in your gut, bail off back to the car to fight another day. I've bailed on numerous plans over the years in and it's served me well. Never over-commit to a plan unless it involves cake!


The information above certainly isn't exhaustive but hopefully it will give you some extra things to consider and help you have safer days in the mountains. 


The Mountaineering Company was established with the aim of helping people develop their skills for use in the outdoors so they can realise their dreams and ambitions. We offer instruction in navigation, climbing, mountain running and scrambling in all the main mountain and hill areas of the UK. We also offer overseas expeditions to Morocco, guided mountain walks and mountain running events.



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